Link CCTV Systems have once again passed their ISO9001 audit with flying colours. SSAIB is a leading certification body that specialises in certification schemes for the security and fire safety services.

Link CCTV Systems offers CCTV installation and maintenance nationwide. They achieved ISO9001 four years ago and consistently receive outstanding feedback from the SSAIB auditor. Having ISO9001 gives Link CCTV a competitive advantage and allows them to compete and win large contracts.

Link CCTV Systems has been a client of Stepping Stones for Business (SSFB) for over five years. Having provided the ISO9001 consultancy and support for Link to achieve certification to the standard in 2008, SSFB now provides an integrated approach to their business management systems, providing quality, safety and environmental consultancy.

Back to Basics

Manual Handling is one of the most common causes of injury in the workplace. It accounts for over a third of workplace injuries, but sadly, 75% of injuries caused by manual handling are preventable.

Manual handling describes the action of moving an item or person by lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing or pulling. But it’s not just a case of ‘pulling something’ due to the weight of the item, although this can be a cause of injury. Injuries can be caused because of the amount of times you have to pick up or carry an item, the distance you are carrying it, the height you are picking it up from or putting it down at (picking it up from the floor, putting it on a shelf above shoulder level) and any twisting, bending stretching or other awkward posture you may get in whilst doing a task.

What’s the maximum weight someone can lift?

There are general guidelines – or maximum weights – for men and women. If applying these, no man should attempt to lift anything heavier than 25kg and a woman’s maximum limit is 16kg. But it’s important to take into account other factors which can change the maximum safe weight – such as how high an object will need to be lifted or a person’s health.

If lifting above shoulder height (such as stocking high shelves) men should not lift items heavier than 10kg and women, 7kg – but this maximum weight drops yet again for objects that need to be held away from the body – 5kg for men and 3kg for women. Employers should carry out risk assessments for all lifting since the safe limit depends on so many variables such as the individual involved, the height that they will be lifting and the distance they will be required to carry the object. Everyone is a different size and we all differ in body strength, so it never safe to assume that just because one person can lift something everyone can.

How to lift safely:

Plan ahead before lifting

Knowing what you’re doing and where you’re going will prevent you from making awkward movements while holding something heavy. Clear a path, and if lifting something with another person, make sure both of you agree on the plan.

Lift close to your body

You will be a stronger, and more stable lifter if the object is held close to your body rather than at the end of your reach. Make sure you have a firm hold on the object you are lifting, and keep it balanced close to your body.

Feet shoulder width apart

A solid base of support is important while lifting. Holding your feet too close together will be unstable, too far apart will hinder movement. Keep the feet about shoulder width apart and take short steps.

Bend your knees and keep your back straight.

Practice the lifting motion before you lift the object, and think about your motion before you lift. Focus on keeping you spine straight. Raise and lower to the ground by bending your knees.

Tighten your stomach muscles.

Tightening your abdominal muscles will hold your back in a good lifting position and will help prevent excessive force on the spine.

Lift with your legs

Your legs are many times stronger than your back muscles. Again, lower to the ground by bending your knees, not your back. Keeping your eyes focused upwards helps to keep your back straight.

If you’re straining, get help

If an object is too heavy, or awkward in shape, make sure you have someone around who can help you lift.

Take a look at our fact sheet, What’s so Dangerous about Manual Handling? for more information. If you need advice or training in manual handling or moving and handling people, drop us an email or call 0333 321 0131.

The Systems Approach

ISO9004:2009 is the guidance document for ISO9001. It explains the paragraphs of the standard in reasonably plain English and takes the implementation of the standard beyond compliance.

It’s not only an important standard for anyone implementing the ISO9001 quality standard, it also provides some really useful guidance for anyone who just wants to look at their business with fresh eyes and improve performance.

The standard defines eight key quality management principles that are fundamental to the success of any business:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach to management
  • Continual improvement
  • Decision making based on facts
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Each month we take one of the principles and look at the key benefits and how they can be applied in any business.

Principle 5 – Systems Approach

Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organisation’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives

Applying the ISO9004 principles of system approach to management should lead to:

  • Structuring a system to achieve the organisation’s objectives in the most effective and efficient way.
  • Understanding the interdependencies between the processes of the system.
  • Structured approaches that harmonize and integrate processes.
  • Providing a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities necessary for achieving common objectives and thereby reducing cross-functional barriers.
  • Understanding organisational capabilities and establishing resource constraints prior to action.
  • Targeting and defining how specific activities within a system should operate.
  • Continually improving the system through measurement and evaluation.

Key benefits:

  • Integration and alignment of the processes that will best achieve the desired results.
  • Ability to focus effort on the key processes.
  • Providing confidence to interested parties as to the consistency, effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation.


To find out more about the principles of good quality management and how it can help your business drop us an email or call us on 0333 321 0131.

ISO9004:2009 is the guidance document for ISO9001. It explains the paragraphs of the standard in reasonably plain English and takes the implementation of the standard beyond compliance. It’s not only an important standard for anyone implementing the ISO9001 quality standard, it also provides some really useful guidance for anyone who just wants to look at their business with fresh eyes and improve performance.

The standard defines eight key quality management principles that are fundamental to the success of any business:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach to management
  • Continual improvement
  • Decision making based on facts
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Each month we take one of the principles and look at the key benefits and how they can be applied in any business.

Principle 4 – Process Approach

A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process.

Applying the ISO9004 principles of people involvement should lead to:

  • Systematically defining the activities necessary to obtain desired result.
  • Establishing clear responsibility and accountability for managing key objectives.
  • Analysing and measuring of the capability of key activities.
  • Identifying the interfaces of key activities within and between the functions of the organisation.
  • Focusing on the factors such as resources, methods and materials that will improve key activities in the origination.
  • Evaluating risks, consequences and impacts of activities on customers, suppliers and other interested parties.

Key benefits:

  • Lower costs and shorter cycle times through effective use of resources.
  • Improved, consistent and predictable results.
  • Focused and prioritised improvement opportunities.

To find out more about the principles of good quality management and how it can help your business drop us an email or call us on 0333 321 0131.


In November 2010 we experienced the earliest widespread fall of snow in the UK since 1993. Despite dire warnings about an early winter, this year has been surprisingly mild in the south of the country. However, after two years of winter chaos, planning is essential for what could be another bad winter.

Last year, ‘health and safety’ once more became the excuse for virtually every decision and a lot of misinformation was perpetuated. As a result, a lot of good information is now available to help people manage their responsibilities. Here are some FAQs:

Is it true that I can be sued if I clear the snow from outside my premises and someone falls?

There is no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice from the pavements outside your home or from public spaces. The important thing is to do it carefully, and to remember that people walking on snow and ice have a responsibility to be careful too. The government has published a snow code, the details of which can be found at:

The main points to note are:

  • Clear the snow or ice early in the day
  • Use salt or sand – not hot water
  • Pay extra attention to steps or steep pathways
  • Take care where you are moving the snow to
  • Offer to clear your neighbours’ path if they are elderly or disabled

What do I need to do if I have to drive in snowy conditions?

Driving in severe winter weather can be challenging. If you drive for work, even if it’s your own car, you have a responsibility to make sure it is safe to drive and it’s worth keeping on top of things routinely.  Before you leave check:

  • Tyres – make sure they are inflated correctly and that you have a minimum of 3 mm tread
  • Battery – it will run down quicker than in warmer weather, so make sure you do regular long journeys to top it up, or put it on trickle-charge
  • Engine – even with modern cars, depress the clutch when starting to reduce the drag on the engine and help preserve the battery
  • Screen wash – keep the screen wash topped-up and use a recommended concentrate to prevent it freezing
  • Fuel – keep your tank topped up. If you get stuck in snow and need to keep the engine ticking over to keep warm, make sure that snow isn’t blocking the exhaust, as noxious fumes can leak into the vehicle
  • Windows – clear all snow and ice from the windscreen, lights and number plate before driving. Do not use hot water as it could crack the glass, re-freeze or create an ice patch on the ground
  • Locks – squirt some WD-40 on the locks to prevent them freezing up
  • Emergency snow kit – pack a warm coat, hat, gloves, sturdy boots and blanket. Take some food, chocolate, biscuits, water and a hot drink if you can, and always carry a fully charged mobile, some old bits of carpet or some cat litter to put under the tyres and a shovel to clear the snow.

For more information take a look at the AA website:

As an employer what can I do if I think that staff are using the snow as an excuse not to come in to work?

This is where H&S and HR law overlap. From a H&S perspective you need to risk assess the situation in the same way as you would any other function. Employers have a duty of care to their employees and are potentially liable if they put pressure on their staff to travel by car or foot when conditions are dangerous. If authorities are telling people to stay at home unless their journey is essential then it is wise to look at alternative arrangements, such as working from home during the immediate emergency. As weather and transport links improve so that staff could get to work, then clear and consistent policies need to be communicated to staff. Options could be: taking a day’s leave as part of the holiday entitlement, deduction of salary or unpaid leave, and if you really feel that a member of staff is swinging the lead, then you may need to threaten disciplinary procedures.

Stress Management has never been more relevant than it is today. According to recent research by the Insurance Company AXA, stress levels have doubled in four years and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development has stated that more than one in three employers said time-off through stress has increased.

A little bit of pressure can:

  • Increase productivity
  • Improve performancebe motivating

However, too much pressure or prolonged pressure can lead to stress, which is both unhealthy for the mind and the body. It can cause symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Lack of appetite

In November 2010 the Mental Health Foundation conducted research to find out the most common causes of stress. When provided with a definition of stress and list of its symptoms, half of all respondents revealed that they feel stressed at least once a week, with one in five (21%) feeling stressed every day. Money-related issues, such as debt or being unable to pay for essentials like food or rent, were given as the main cause of stress for 28% of Britons – the biggest single cause. Work-related issues, such as the threat of redundancies or having too much work to do, were the second most common cause (27%) and reflect recent Health and Safety Executive (HSE) research, with stress now being cited as the biggest cause of workplace absenteeism.

With this is mind, it is essential that managers become adept at recognising the signs of stress and manage the work environment well to help reduce stress. Staff too, need to identify their own stressors, learn how to manage them and see how their behaviour may impact on the stress of their colleagues. The HSE published the Management Standards for Work Related Stress a number of years ago. The standards cover six key areas of work design which target the primary sources of stress at work:

  • Demands – this includes issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment.
  • Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work.
  • Support – this includes the encouragement of sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues.
  • Relationships – this includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour.
  • Role – whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles.
  • Change – how organisational change (large and small) is managed and communicated within the organisation.

For more information about work related stress management visit the HSE website where information about stress management and a wide range of resources, tools and links are available. At SSFB, we work with a number of occupational health professionals and stress management trainers to provide an integrated approach to health and safety management. For more information about how we can help your business drop us an email or call us on 0333 321 0131.

ISO9004:2009 is the guidance document for ISO9001. It explains the paragraphs of the standard in reasonably plain English and takes the implementation of the standard beyond compliance. It’s not only an important standard for anyone implementing the ISO9001 quality standard, it also provides some really useful guidance for anyone who just wants to look at their business with fresh eyes and improve performance.

The standard defines eight key quality management principles that are fundamental to the success of any business:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach to management
  • Continual improvement
  • Decision making based on facts
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Each month we take one of the principles and look at the key benefits and how they can be applied in any business.

Principle 3 – Involvement of people

People make a company tick and their full involvement, at all levels, enables their abilities to be used for the benefit of the company.

Applying the ISO9004 principles of people involvement should lead to:

  • People understanding the importance of their contribution and role in the organisation.
  • People identifying constraints to their performance.
  • People accepting ownership of problems and their responsibility for solving them.
  • People evaluating their performance against their personal goals and objectives.
  • People actively seeking opportunities to enhance their competence, knowledge and experience.
  • People freely sharing knowledge and experience.
  • People openly discussing problems and issues.

Key benefits:

  • Motivated, committed and involved people within the organisation.
  • Innovation and creativity in furthering the organisation’s objectives.
  • People being accountable for their own performance.
  • People eager to participate in and contribute to continual improvement.

To find out more about the principles of good quality management and how it can help your business drop us an email or call us on 0333 321 0131.

First aid cover in the workplace is essential. Employers must provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel in order to provide first aid to employees if they should have an accident or fall ill. A risk assessment will determine what is adequate. This will vary from company to company and will be dependent on the size of the business, the hazards likely to be encountered and the spread of workforce within a building, across a site or in various locations.

First aid facilities

All companies must make arrangements for first aid in the workplace. If you are an employer you are responsible for making sure that your employees receive immediate attention if they are taken ill or injured at work. Accidents and illness can happen at any time and first aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones. If the general public has access to the workplace or you are dealing with children or disabled people, adequate provisions will need to be made. Arrangements will depend on the particular circumstances in the workplace and first aid needs will need to be assessed.

As a minimum, you must have:

  • a suitably stocked first-aid box*;
  • an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements;
  • information for all employees providing details of first-aid arrangements.

You might decide that you need a first-aider. This is someone who has been trained by an approved organisation and holds a qualification in first aid at work or emergency first aid at work. For low risk environments an Appointed Person is adequate and ensures that someone is familiar with the procedures and can ensure that medical attention is summoned quickly if required.

* Anyone who has looked in a standard first aid kit at work will have pondered the need for numerous triangular bandages and field dressings. New guidance was published at the end of June which lists equipment more suited to today’s working environment. Click here for a list of the new standard requirements for first aid kits.

Record Keeping

It is good practice to record all accidents and near misses in an accident book. Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) certain injuries, incidents and cases of work-related disease must be reported to the HSE. The current reporting period for injuries resulting in time off work may change next year following the Government’s Common Sense, Common Safety review. At the moment the reporting period is three days.

Keeping records will help identify patterns of accidents and injuries, and will help when completing your risk assessment. Insurance companies may also want to see records if there is a work-related claim. Once completed, documentation should remain confidential.

Click here to obtain the HSE’s copy of A Short Guide for Managers – Health, Safety and Welfare. If you would like some advice on how to ensure that you are complying with the law, just drop us an email on or call 0333 321 0131.

ISO9004:2009 is the guidance document for ISO9001. It explains the paragraphs of the standard in reasonably plain English and takes the implementation of the standard beyond compliance. It’s not only an important standard for anyone implementing the ISO9001 quality standard, it also provides some really useful guidance for anyone who just wants to look at their business with fresh eyes and improve performance.

The standard defines eight key quality management principles that are fundamental to the success of any business:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of people
  • Process approach
  • System approach to management
  • Continual improvement
  • Decision making based on facts
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Each month we take one of the principles and look at the key benefits and how they can be applied in any business.

Principle 2 – Leadership

The leaders in an organisation establish unity of purpose and direction. They are key to the success of the company, because it is their values that define the culture. They should also create and maintain an environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organisations’ objectives.

Applying the ISO9004 principles of leadership should lead to:

  • Considering the needs of all interested parties including customers, owners, employees, suppliers, financiers, local communities and society as a whole.
  • Establishing a clear vision of the organisation’s future.
  • Setting challenging goals and targets.
  • Creating and sustaining shared values, fairness and ethical role models at all levels of the organisation.
  • Establishing trust and eliminating fear.
  • Providing people with the required resources, training and freedom to act with responsibility and accountability.
  • Inspiring, encouraging and recognising people’s contributions.

Key benefits:

  • People will understand and be motivated towards the organisation’s goals and objectives.
  • Activities are evaluated, aligned and implemented in a unified way.
  • Miscommunication between levels of an organisation will be minimised.

To find out more about the principles of good quality management and how it can help your business drop us an email on or call 0333 321 0131.

It’s not unusual to hear the words ‘I only employ a couple of people so I don’t really have to worry about health and safety do I?’. It’s a fact of life that all businesses, regardless of size, need to manage health and safety in the workplace. It doesn’t have to be onerous and there is plenty of free information available on the Internet. It really is about common sense.

Over the next few months we will look at the basic safety requirements for any business regardless of the size. This month we take a look at providing the right workplace facilities.

Welfare facilities

For your employees’ well being you need to provide:

  • toilets and hand basins, with soap and towels or a hand-dryer
  • drinking water
  • a place to store clothing (and somewhere to change if special clothing is worn for work)
  • somewhere to rest and eat meals

Health issues

To have a healthy working environment, make sure there is:

  • good ventilation – a supply of fresh, clean air drawn from outside or a ventilation system
  • a reasonable working temperature (usually at least 16°C, or 13°C for strenuous work, unless other laws require lower temperatures)
  • lighting suitable for the work being carried out
  • enough room space and suitable workstations and seating
  • a clean workplace with appropriate waste containers

Safety issues

To keep your workplace safe you must:

  • properly maintain your premises and work equipment
  • keep floors and traffic routes free from obstruction
  • have windows that can be opened and also cleaned safely
  • make sure that any transparent (e.g. glass) doors or walls are protected or made of safety material

Some work environments, e.g. construction; manufacturing, etc need greater controls. Click here to obtain the HSE’s copy of A Short Guide for Managers – Health, Safety and Welfare. If you would like some advice about how to ensure you are complying with the law drop us an email on or call 0333 321 0131.